Safe and successful exhibiting at SEMICON China
29th March 2021
It is hard to believe that given the past year we have had that trade show exhibitions would be running again. Our colleagues at Logitech China have just wrapped up an extremely successful exhibit at SEMICON China 2021.
We exhibited our LP70 Precision Lapping & Polishing System alongside our single station Wafer Substrate Bonding Unit. Our colleagues report an extremely successful show, with safety at the fore front of the exhibition. Majority local attendee’s, which is a huge contrast to usual as SEMICON China is usually a major show in Asia that people travel far and wide to attend, nonetheless still a great turn out. All attendee’s and exhibitors wore face masks and we are glad to report no covid issues have arisen from this show. This just demonstrates that with proper planning and adherence to government rules and regulations, events have the potential to run safely and successfully.
SEMICON China is a major exhibition for Logitech and a key show to allow us to showcase our systems and processing capabilities in Asia – allowing users to experience first hand our equipment and learn how our systems can potentially allow them to achieve their processing goals.
We are extremely happy to be back showcasing our systems at local tradeshows in a safe manner. We hope this is just the beginning of the return of more shows across the globe, we hope to be exhibiting near you soon!
If you would like further information about our LP70 Precision Lapping & Polishing System, Wafer Substrate Bonding Units or any other of our precision systems please get in touch.
And, for news on when we will be resuming our full exhibition program please keep checking our events page.