Oldest running Logitech system: LP30 over 40 years old!
29th September 2017
The Colorado School of Mines have been producing Geological Thin Sections on their LP30 (the ancestor of the precision lapping & polishing system, LP50) for over 40 years.
The LP30 (which has been discontinued for approximately 30 years) is still in working condition and is used every day, within the Geological Engineering department of the world renowned research institute, in the production of geological thin sections including:
- 30μm thin sections
- 20μm ultra-thin sections
- 80-90μm doubly polished thick sections for fluid inclusions and Cathodoluminescence studies
- 80-100μm quick plated for fluid inclusion work
- Polished Ore samples 2-10mm thick for laser and reflected light work
The CO School of Mines LP30 has had 2 main users throughout the years. The fact the machine still produces quality thin sections every day is a true testament to these well trained users who have kept up with correct machine maintenance.
Thin Section Laboratory Manager, Jae Erickson, is now the main operator of the machine “I’m not sure what was expected when this system was first purchased, but I can’t believe the longevity of the machine and that it still works and is used regularly after all these years.”
Although a 40 year old system does not come without it’s complaints, as the LP50 is much more technologically advanced than its ageing predecessor there are many useful features that the LP30 unfortunately cannot support. Such as automatic plate flatness software which can allow for double the throughput compared to systems without.
Logitech systems are robustly engineered and the CO School of Mines LP30 is proof that with the right processes and care, your Logitech machine can stand the test of time.
We believe this is the oldest Logitech system still being used to date, but can you beat this? Get in touch with details of your system if you think you can!